False pregnancy or delusion .. How do you differentiate between the two pregnancies?


False pregnancy or delusion .. How do you differentiate between the two pregnancies? Flavor love

 When a woman has symptoms and signs similar to the occurrence of a real pregnancy, such as nausea and fatigue, which may last for a period, which confirms to the woman that pregnancy has already occurred. This is what is called a false pregnancy.

False pregnancy is a result of an intense desire to become pregnant, or it may be the result of some chemical changes in the nervous system, which may lead to the occurrence of false pregnancy symptoms, or because of the fear of pregnancy.

 its symptoms

They are very similar to the symptoms of a real pregnancy, and these symptoms may last between a few weeks to several months, and the symptoms include the secretion of milk from the breasts. Nausea, especially in the morning with vomiting. weight gain increased appetite; labor pains Uterine enlargement. Feeling the movements of the fetus. Abdominal distension and swelling, as if a child was growing inside. Menopause/menstruation/menstrual cycle. Changes in the breasts, such as enlarged breasts, or changes in the nipples.

In order not to get confused and eventually get shocked and frustrated, you should take a false pregnancy test that helps you to confirm whether you are pregnant or not.

Diagnosis of false pregnancy .. and how to treat it!

Pregnancy tests are urine or blood tests to check for human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), a hormone produced by the placenta after the fertilized egg attaches to the uterine wall.

 This hormone can be detected at the beginning of pregnancy, so it can be detected 6 days after the fertilization of the egg, and its quantity doubles every two to three days. Pregnancy hormones are similar, so the result may be mistaken.

If you get a negative result with a false pregnancy test, you can repeat the pregnancy tests after a few weeks.

Urinalysis can reveal the nature of the pregnancy, whether it is a false pregnancy or a real pregnancy. When performing a urinalysis, if the result is negative, it means a false pregnancy, and if the result is positive, this means that there is a real pregnancy.

Does false pregnancy appear in the sonar échographie?

Yes, the ultrasound shows the reality of pregnancy. In the case of a false pregnancy, no child will appear or the sound of the fetus’s heartbeat will be heard through the ultrasound waves. On the contrary, in the case of a real pregnancy, you will see your child and hear the sound of his heartbeat.

A home pregnancy test can also be used to detect a false pregnancy, where in the case of a false pregnancy the result is negative, while in the case of a real pregnancy it gives a positive result.

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